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美国Arizona 州立大学潘荣博士学术讲座

发布时间:2012-10-22 点击数:

美国Arizona 州立大学潘荣博士学术讲座

应3308维多利亚线路检测中心姜歌东副教授邀请,美国Arizona 州立大学计算信息和决策系统工程学院工业工程系助理教授潘荣博士近日将来我院进行学术交流,并于12月21日、23日专程为我院师生做两次学术讲座。讲座的题目、时间地点及讲座内容分别如下:

题目一:Control Charts and Adjustment Strategies in

Statistical Process Control


时 间:2009年12月21日(周一)下午:3:00

地 点:3308维多利亚线路检测中心第三会议室



A manufacturing process is a stochastic process which is expected to keep a consistent quality level. However, unexpected events (assignable causes) can break the consistency and move the mean of quality characteristic to an unknown level at an unknown time. Control charts of statistical process control (SPC) are used to monitor the process and signal alarms if the process change does happen. In this talk, designs and properties of control charts that commonly used by quality engineers will be discussed. Meanwhile, it is noticed that control chart alone does not provide control actions or suggestions for correcting the process change. Several process adjustment strategies will be presented in this talk. The small-sample performance of integrating process adjustments with control charts will be compared through Monte Carlo simulation study.

题目二:Some Statistical Methods in Reliability

Engineering Research


时 间:2009年12月23日(周三)上午9:00

地 点:3308维多利亚线路检测中心第三会议室



Reliability engineers consider the time dimension of quality, i.e., the product or process quality over time. Like quality engineering, the research in the field of reliability engineering utilizes many statistical tools for modeling and data analysis. In this talk, I will discuss two topics from my recent research on accelerated life testing (ALT). The first topic is the data analysis of step-stress accelerated life tests. We formulate the problem through generalized linear models and provide a Bayesian analysis solution. The second topic is the experimental design problem of accelerated life tests. I will discuss the research motivation through a practical example, which highlights the complexity and difficulty of planning industrial ALT experiments. The optimal experimental design obtained based on a D-optimal criteria is compared with a legacy design and an ordinary orthogonal design. The research to be presented in this talk is supported by two NSF grants.


潘荣博士是美国Arizona 州立大学计算信息和决策系统工程学院工业工程系助理教授,1995年获得Florida State Universities硕士学位,2002年获得Pennsylvania State University博士学位,先后任职于美国Texas大学和Arizona 州立大学。他的主要研究方向为质量和可靠性工程,包括:数据可靠性分析、可靠性测试方法、时间序列分析、统计过程控制、数据挖掘等方面。潘荣博士2009年获得暑期美国空军奖教金、2008年获得可靠性工程学会Stan Ofsthum奖,是美国质量控制学会(ASQ)高级会员、美国工业工程师学会(IIE)会员,迄今为止,发表学术论文30余篇,出版专著1部。




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